RockHealth: A Lens on Health Equity in Digital Health – Unlocking the Innovation Opportunity


Developed with funding from The SCAN Foundation, released “A Lens on Health Equity in Digital Health: Unlocking the Innovation Opportunity” in April 2024. This report synthesizes perspectives from industry leaders, identifying strategic avenues to drive health equity in the digital health sphere. The report also highlights underserved populations primed for digital health innovation, including older adults. VIEW REPORT

Date Updated: 04/11/2024

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The Money Follows the Person (MFP) demonstration program represents a major initiative to give people needing long-term services and supports (LTSS) more choice about where they live and receive care, and to increase the capacity of state long-term care systems to serve people in the community rather than in institutions. The MFP demonstration grew in 2011, from 31 to 44 state grantees, when 13 additional states were awarded MFP grants.

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