CAMRI: Medicaid and Medicare Spending on Acute, Post-Acute and LTSS in California


This is the third report coming from the California Medicaid Research Institute (CAMRI) project entitled: Comprehensive Analysis of Home- and Community-Based Services in California. The report describes Medicare and Medi-Cal spending for those beneficiaries using long-term services and supports funded by Medi-Cal.

Date Updated: 12/05/2012

In an attempt to slow down growth in health care spending, state and federal governments have implemented a number of cost-containment strategies in recent years. Medicaid and Medicare expenditures are major contributors to the long term fiscal challenges facing the public sector. Medicaid, financed by both federal and state governments, pays for acute, post-acute, and long term services and supports (LTSS) for low-income seniors and certain individuals with disabilities, among others. Medicare, financed by the federal government and premiums, pays for acute and post-acute health care services for those Medicaid beneficiaries who are also enrolled in Medicare (known as dual eligible and hereafter referred to as Medicare-Medicaid Enrollees, or MMEs)…

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