Carol Raphael, MPA

Carol RaphaelCarol Raphael is a Senior Advisor at Manatt Health Solutions. She served as the Chief Executive Officer of the Visiting Nurse Service of New York (VNSNY), the largest nonprofit home health organization in the United States, for more than 20 years. Under her leadership, VNSNY expanded its services, built a managed care plan, launched innovative models of care for complex populations and established partnerships with health systems. She also served as Board Chair of AARP. Prior to joining VNSNY, Ms. Raphael held executive positions at Mt. Sinai Medical Center and in New York City government.

Ms. Raphael is Chair of the Long-Term Quality Alliance—an alliance of payers, providers, consumers, and policymakers working to strengthen and better integrate the long-term services and supports (LTSS) system. In addition to being on The SCAN Foundation Board, Ms. Raphael is Co-Chair of the Board of the Medicare Rights Center, Vice Chair of the Commonwealth Care Alliance and the Primary Care Development Corporation boards, and a member of the Kaiser Permanente School of Medicine, the New York eHealth Collaborative, and Exceptional Lives, Inc. boards; the RAND Health Board of Advisors; and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Department of Health Policy and Management Council. She has served on several commissions, including the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC), the federal bipartisan Commission on Long-Term Care, and the Age Friendly Commission. She has chaired the National Quality Forum Post-Acute, Long-Term Care and Hospice Workgroup; and co-chaired two of its Attribution Workgroups. She chaired the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ Technical Expert Panel (TEP) on quality measurement development for dual eligible and Medicaid beneficiaries receiving Managed LTSS, and currently serves on three other TEPs involved in quality measure development.

Ms. Raphael was an Advanced Leadership Fellow at Harvard University and a Visiting Fellow at the Kings Fund in the United Kingdom, and she co-edited the book Home Based Care for a New Century.