About Us

Vision & Mission

The SCAN Foundation envisions a society where all of us can age well with purpose.

We pursue this vision by igniting bold and equitable changes in how older adults age in both home and community.

Our Priority Populations

We believe that if we improve the aging experiences for marginalized older adults and their networks of support, it will improve for everyone. Therefore, our work prioritizes:

• Older people of color
• Older adults with lower income*
• Older residents of geographically underserved areas

*Defined as income that is below 400% of the federal poverty level; also defined as “duals,” “near duals.”

Where We Work

We work at the diverse intersections of aging with partnerships that expand across the aging, healthcare, disability, policy, social entrepreneur, racial justice, and social justice sectors.

With deep roots across the state of California, our work aims to influence national transformation of the systems and supports that enable all older adults to age well at home with purpose.

Our Strategic Priorities

Data Equity

Working to ensure all older adults benefit from a representative, inclusive, and diverse data set that informs equitable innovation, interventions, and health outcomes.

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Evolving Models of Care and Financing

Advancing research and policy solutions to ensure health and aging systems reflect the needs and preferences of older adults.

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Financial Security

Working to ensure all older adults have the financial resources they need to age well in their home and community.

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Health Equity in Aging

Working to reduce health inequities by shifting power to the community and harmonizing across the aging, disability, racial justice, and social justice systems in pursuit of shared goals.

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Meet Our Team

Our talented team brings a wealth of diverse experience spanning the healthcare, aging, impact investing, public policy, equity, and community engagement sectors in support of our strategic priorities.

Meet Our Team

Explore Our Impact

Each year, we share progress made toward achieving our vision through the powerful work of our grantees and partners.

Browse Annual Reports