Designing a system built around people and partnerships

California Master Plan for Aging Forum



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Highlights of the Day

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Morning plenary

Together We ENGAGE
The California Health and Human Services Agency announced its Together We ENGAGE campaign and pledged to support this effort at the state and local levels.

Building a Master Plan with Older Californians
The California Department of Aging engaged older adults in attendance to provide a personal perspective on aging in the state, and what needs to be addressed in California’s Master Plan.

Human-Centered Design: Planning Around the Needs of People
Greater Good Studio shared their process of engaging with older adults, people with disabilities, and caregivers across the state during both day-in-the-life observation and community design workshops. Attendees reflected on insights and strategies for improving the lives of Californians, and they prioritized the components they would like to see in a California Master Plan for Aging.


Master Plan for Aging Insights

Overview of Community Workshops

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  • Physical Environment
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  • Social and Emotional Well-Being
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  • Supportive Services
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Afternoon plenary

California’s Elected Officials Speak on the Master Plan
Members of the Legislature play a critical role in development and oversight of the Master Plan. Legislative leaders are strong allies in the move for system transformation to meet the needs of California’s older adults and people with disabilities. The following legislators in attendance addressed the one big idea that each would like to see included in the Master Plan:

  • Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
  • Assemblymember Joaquin Arambula
  • Staff of Senator Anna Caballero

Innovation Award
We partnered with the Milken Institute Center for the Future of Aging for the 2019 Innovation Award.

Together, we identified California cities who are preparing their communities for the growth of their older adult population, and embracing innovation opportunities. Criteria was based on Age-Forward 2030 and its three priority areas:

  1. Age-Forward economic development
  2. Redesigning the urban landscape for all ages
  3. Resilient networks for healthy aging

The city of Berkeley

The winner of our 2019 award is The Berkeley Age-Friendly Continuum led by the City of Berkeley. Learn more.

Afternoon breakout sessions

Learning from Experience: Other States’ Planning Efforts and Lessons Learned
As California embarks on developing its Master Plan for Aging, much can be learned from other states’ planning efforts. In this session, the presenters spoke to the challenges, lessons learned and outcomes of their planning processes. Other topics addressed included emerging opportunities for system change, and how to oversee plan implementation and measure success.




Locals Leading the Charge: City and County Best Practices in Aging
Local leaders are focusing on innovations that make communities supportive for residents of all ages. Four states, one territory and 378 communities nationwide have committed to being age-friendly. In this session, local leaders shared their experiences in planning to meet the needs of older adults and people with disabilities, including challenges, lessons learned and outcomes.

Employer Perspective: Private Sector Best Practices
Employers play an increasingly important role in supporting individuals of all ages who are providing care and support to aging loved ones in the home, while balancing careers. Additionally, employers are also identifying best practices for engaging and retaining older workers as part of the workforce. In this session, representatives of California businesses spoke to policies and best practices in the areas of employee caregiver support as well as older adult employment.

Closing plenary

Together, Building an Age-Friendly California
State and philanthropic leaders reflected on the day’s discussion and learnings and summarized where they see the greatest opportunities and new paths emerging through the planning process, with the goal of making California a place where everyone can age with dignity and independence.


Recent Publications
more publications
On June 10, 2019, California Governor Gavin Newsom issued Executive Order N-14-19, calling for a California Master Plan for Aging. This brief provides a high-level overview of the Executive Order.
The Master Plan for Aging provides a historic opportunity to design a system that best meets the needs of older Californians of today and tomorrow. This brief describes how the state can better organize resources to meet population needs through focused, coordinated leadership and system-wide planning.
More than 80 percent of California voters expect a clear vision and long-term investment plan for our state’s older adults. In this infographic, learn about California's changing demographics, which states are leading the way, and what comprises plan elements.
In this open letter, Dr. Chernof commends Governor-elect Gavin Newsom on his commitment to develop "a master plan for aging with dignity" in California. Dr. Chernof lists key areas that a master plan must address, such as incorporating strategies for older adults to live and age in the place they call home and providing pathways for older Californians to access affordable health care.