Health Equity in Aging

Developed with funding from The SCAN Foundation, released “A Lens on Health Equity in Digital Health: Unlocking the Innovation Opportunity” in April 2024. This report synthesizes perspectives from industry leaders, identifying strategic avenues to drive health equity in the digital health sphere. The report also highlights underserved populations primed for digital health innovation, including older adults. VIEW REPORT

For over five years, NORC has been at the forefront of research focused on the Forgotten Middle, a term it coined in its landmark 2019 study to define middle-income older adults who are unlikely to qualify for Medicaid long-term care and do not have the financial resources to pay for certain housing and care supports. Since then, it has produced an updated national study with more recent data and designed a Forgotten Middle model specifically for California’s middle-income older adults. VIEW REPORT

In partnership with the Health Foundation for Western & Central New York, we developed a series of online training modules for community-based organizations (CBOs) to build their business acumen.

The Cultural and Linguistic Demographics of the California Medicare Population Chartbook is the second in a series exploring the demographics, needs, and health care experiences of Californians with Medicare. This chartbook provides new key demographic information, adding to analysis of Medicare records and Census survey data in the Profile of the California Medicare Population chartbook published in February 2022. VIEW CHART BOOK

The SCAN Foundation continues to gather learnings from the real-life experiences of people participating in Cal MediConnect, a California demonstration project that brings together Medicare and Medicaid in seven counties. Below are findings from two initiatives in an effort to better understand enrollee and health care provider experiences in Cal MediConnect. Learn how it is changing the delivery system landscape in the state. VIEW REPORT

We are experiencing a societal shift and focus on what it means to age well and equitably. Older adults, families, and other caregivers are discussing what really matters. For instance, a majority of U.S. adults say they want to age at home and in community as long as possible. The SCAN Foundation worked with Hollywood, Health & Society and 44 Blue Productions to highlight the lives of three older adults: Ernie, Seung, and Angela. WATCH TRAILER

The Better Care Playbook (the Playbook) makes it easier to find evidence-based and promising practices for improving complex care. This online resource center helps health care stakeholders — including providers, health systems, health plans, community-based organizations, and policymakers — move evidence to action and accelerate adoption of best practices in complex care. VIEW PLAYBOOK

Caring for a loved one impacts the health and financial well-being of many older Californians. View this fact sheet produced by The SCAN Foundation and NORC at the University of Chicago. VIEW FACT SHEET

Lower-income older Californians report higher levels of social isolation and symptoms of depression. View this fact sheet produced by The SCAN Foundation and NORC at the University of Chicago. VIEW FACT SHEET

Californians’ personal health experience and difficulty paying for care are impacted by income disparities. View this fact sheet produced by The SCAN Foundation and NORC at the University of Chicago.