
In this infographic, learn what voters are saying about the Master Plan for Aging and the need to prioritize and invest in our aging population.


More than 80 percent of California voters expect a clear vision and long-term investment plan for our state’s older adults. In this infographic, learn about California’s changing demographics, which states are leading the way, and what comprises plan elements.

Greater costs for older women, who average 2-1/2 years of high-level need.

Half of U.S. reaching 65 will need high levels of costly help with daily activities.

1 in 7 of all older Americans will need a high level of help with everyday activities for 5+ years.

Families pay >50% of costs for high-level needs that older Americans face.

The SCAN Foundation teamed up with Avalere Health to create an informative roadmap outlining best practices of sustainable business models for providing person-centered care to older adults with substantial health needs. Highlighting case studies from both public and private programs, this roadmap will help your organization demonstrate and communicate the value of your care delivery model.

$97,820 – Cost of nursing home care is two and a half times what a family makes a year.
$42,406 – Family income level.
$35,802 – Cost of home care is almost all of a family’s income.
5% of Californians over 40 have long-term care insurance coverage.

70% of Americans who reach age 65 will need some form of long-term care for an average of three years.

People tend to be very satisfied with their long-term care providers when they start their care, but satisfaction decreases over time.

Poll shows that more Californians are in denial about aging than the rest of the U.S. 39% of Californians would “rather not think about it” compared to 31% of the overall U.S. population.