California Medicaid Research Institute: Service Use and Expenditures Before and After Entry into California’s LTSS Programs


The findings contained in this report demonstrate the inter-relationship between acute, postacute, and long-term services and support (LTSS) services for Medicare and Medicaid Enrollees (MMEs).

Date Updated: 04/22/2014

LTSS includes home and community based services (HCBS) as well as care delivered as a part of an extended stay in a nursing facility (NF). This research examined the patterns of health care related events and expenditures that preceded and followed the initiation of LTSS as well as the pattern of LTSS use following a hospitalization. This research identified 474,706 adult (ages 18 years and older) fee-for-service MME beneficiaries in California who initiated at least one type of LTSS during the two-year period of January 2006 to December 2007.

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This policy brief provides an introduction to The SCAN Foundation’s CLASS Technical Assistance Brief Series, which explores many of the critical issues to be considered for successfully implementing CLASS.

This policy brief describes the broad needs of individuals with disability and the wide range of supportive and environmental solutions that can allow for the most independent living possible. It suggests how findings on social and environmental supports for individuals with disability can inform implementation of CLASS.

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